Class 8 (2009-2011)
Aldo Perfetto Alexandrow, Venezuela
Duke University – Master in International Development Policy
As a career multilateral economic officer and diplomat, Aldo Perfetto has participated in several policy formulation processes at the national level as well as related multilateral negotiations, aimed at the fulfillment of policy development objectives of his home country, Venezuela. Having had the opportunity of translating public policy needs into the language of trade negotiators, he understands that the challenges of a successful development program go beyond consensus building of the main economic actors concerned and national ownership. Such negotiations include, among other things, better development and poverty eradication indicators and the need of multilateral economic rules and disciplines more responsive to legitimate development goals. Bearing in mind that development policies could take place in a violent and polarized economic and social environment, particularly in developing countries, he hopes to contribute to the improvement of policy formulation processes in Venezuela and facilitate a better interplay between legitimate development goals of developing countries and the relevant multilateral economic rules and disciplines.