Class 9 (2010-2012)
Ali Reza Eshraghi, Iran
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Department of Communication Studies
Alireza Eshraghi, Ph.D. is the Director of Programs at the Institute for War and Peace Reporting. Currently, he also serves as a WHO Collaborating Fellow at the University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development, a Visiting Scholar at the University of North Carolina’s Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies, and an advising member to the Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL).
Alireza has designed and led dozens of local and international initiatives advocating for peace, advancing gender equality, strengthening local communities and civic participation, promoting government accountability, fostering independent media, and amplifying disadvantaged voices. He has also conceptualized and launched several learning and collaboration programs to help civic sector actors increase their capacity, and has worked with hundreds of grassroots groups, civil society organizations, and media platforms.
During Iran’s Reform Era, Alireza served in several senior editorial positions for some of the most progressive national outlets. Alireza remains an active commentator, and his analyses have appeared in major international publications as well as Persian, Arabic and French media outlets. In 2009, he was awarded the Certificate of Excellence in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley. At Berkeley, Alireza formerly served as a Research Fellow in the Religion, Politics and Globalization Program and as a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of International Studies (IIS).