Class 11 (2012-2014)
Beatriz Rey, Brazil
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Department of Political Science
Beatriz earned a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Cásper Líbero College and a post-graduate degree in International Economic Negotiations from the State University of São Paulo (Unesp). She worked as assistant editor and editor at Educação magazine for five years. During that period, Beatriz got deeply involved in researching education policies in Brazil and abroad. Besides working as a journalist, she also worked as a volunteer math teacher in adult-literacy classes. In 2009, she was invited by the Finnish Embassy in Brazil to write a long-form journalism piece about Finland’s educational system. The experience allowed Beatriz to understand the connection between political systems and education policy at the school level with great depth. As a Rotary Peace Fellow, Beatriz investigates the relationship between political institutions and education policy in Brazil. She believes the Rotary Peace Fellowship will provide her with the skills and knowledge to address Brazilian’s problems in Education as a researcher. Also, it will benefit her career as a journalist, as she will be more qualified to cover the field as a reporter or an editor.
Applied Field Experience
Chicago Area Project (CAP) in Chicago, Illinois