Class 19 (2020-2022)
Diana Campos Quiroz, Peru
Duke University – Master in International Development Policy
Diana holds a bachelor in Biology from the National Agraria La Molina University in Peru. She is passionate about the environment and biodiversity conservation as well as the promotion of citizen participation for sustainable changes in the management and governance of natural resources.
During the last 5 years she promoted citizen participation through the creation of environmental committees in areas impacted by extractive industries aiming to protect natural resources as part of their basic human rights in Peru and Colombia. Through community capacity building in the monitoring and surveillance of environmental quality, communities have made a positive contribution to the community development and its environment.
Diana not only worked to improve community relationships promoting dialogue between communities, the industry and the government in order to solve and prevent socio-environmental conflicts in her home country, but has gained experiences in biodiversity conservation in an international context. In 2015, she volunteered in three conservation projects led by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources of the Government of South Australia (DEWNR).
Diana collaborated in several Sustainable Development projects. She worked as an intern for the Development Planning Unit (UDP) in collaboration with the MSc Environment and Sustainable Development of the University College London (UCL), focussed on the research of assessing environmental risks in the urban areas of Metropolitan Lima in order to develop strategies for transformative changes with a positive socio-environmental impact.
In 2019, she co-founded the non-governmental organisation NUBES that is dedicated to implementing educational projects in order to improve the quality of life of vulnerable communities. The organization's focus lies on teaching adequate waste management and urban gardening in order to reduce environmental pollution, assure food security for low-income families and improve their diet as well as their family economy.
Becoming a Rotary Peace Fellow is a milestone in Diana´s professional career. During her studies in the International Development Program, she will gain knowledge and tools to transform complex scenarios into peaceful environments through a holistic approach in order to build trust between all the stakeholders involved that will contribute to the sustainable development of her country.
Applied Field Experience
Sanitation and Water for All, hosted by UNICEF