Class 9 (2010-2012)
Georgia Harley, Australia
Duke University – Master in International Development Policy
Georgia joined the World Bank in 2012, having done her Rotary Fellowship Applied Field Experience there during the summer of 2011. At the Bank, Georgia has held various positions, including Senior Governance Specialist in the Governance Global Practice, Senior Strategy Officer (IDA/IBRD) in the Development Finance Vice Presidency, Assistant to the Managing Director of Operations, and currently Assistant to the Senior Managing Director.
Prior to joining the Bank, Georgia worked for the Australian Government as an international lawyer and on various peacekeeping missions abroad.
During her Rotary Peace Fellowship, Georgia’s research focused on the role of good governance in sustainable development, with a focus on governance drivers, social inclusion, and sustainable resource management in fragile and conflict-affected settings.
Georgia graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Arts and Laws (Honours), from the Australian National University with a Masters of Law (International Law), and from Duke University with a Masters in Economic Development Policy (Applied Economics).