Class 8 (2009-2011)
Pálína Björk Matthíasdóttir, Iceland
Duke University – Master in International Development Policy
Pálína’s interest in development issues was sparked at a young age when she traveled extensively around Asia and Africa. While there, she was taken by the injustice and imbalance of the world, knowing that there must be many possibilities to improve this situation. Due to her interest in the developing world, Pálína lived in China and later did a research internship with the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh as a part of her International Business education. In Iceland, Pálína was active in numerous roles within organizations promoting civil society, such as the Icelandic Red Cross Youth movement where she is currently elected President. Most of her work was in the area of youth interests and human rights, especially in relation to immigrants and refugees. Upon completion of the Rotary World Peace program, Pálína will pursue a career within humanitarian and international organizations, where she can work towards social development and poverty reduction in the world.