Class 11 (2012-2014)
Reem Ghunaim, Palestine
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Department of City and Regional Planning
Reem has a BA degree in Business Administration from Birzeit University in Palestine. In her professional career, she has worked in the field of consultancy with several Palestinian community-based organizations. During this experience, she was introduced to practical applications of economic development. Later she participated in a leadership program in Germany organized by the International Association for Human Values and Art Of Living organizations where young people from different countries around the world gathered to promote peace through humanitarian projects throughout various locations in Europe. As part of that role, she was one of the organizers of the International Conference for Human Values in Hamburg, Germany. After her return to Palestine, she was the primary coordinator of the Ramallah Contemporary Dance Festival 2011, where intercultural exchanges and enhancing mutual understanding were Reem’s major focus. Reem has been an active advocate of the two-state solution through the One Voice Movement and as a part of that was trained and developed in a role to become a One Voice Ambassador. As an ambassador she participated in the 2012 New England Tour and presented her insights in elite platforms such as the Kennedy School at Harvard and Brown University. She also participated in presentations for community and political activity organizations as well as religious organizations. Reem also participates as an active member of the Rotaractor organization which is a part of Rotary International where she has been engaged in community projects and is currently working on a project to develop and enhance reading skills in Palestine.
Applied Field Experience
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Suva, Fiji