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Class 3 (2004-2006)

Zazil (María) Romero Echaverría, Mexico

Duke University – Master in International Development Policy

Zazil received her degree in International Relations at Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico. Following graduation, she specialized in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in The Netherlands. She has worked as Coordinator for the Promotion of Culture in Monterrey Mexico, as well as Logistics Coordinator for the International Hispanic Association. After completing several trainings in conflict resolution, she became the Latin American Regional Coordinator for the Institute for International Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Washington DC. Upon completion of the program, Zazil hopes to work for an international organization that promotes sustainable development as a means to prevent conflict and ensure peace. Area of Interest/Research: Zazil’s research project focuses on the invisible citizens of a region in Mexico, which live under extreme poverty and have very few opportunities for development. She hopes to find alternatives for sustainable development that are suitable for this population. Internship: Organization of American States, Washington, DC and the Red Cross, Panama Zazil primarily conducted research on cases such as border conflict in Guatemala and Belize, current political instability in Nicaragua and presidential transition in Bolivia.