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Susan Carroll

Managing Director
FedEx Global Education Center – Office #1206
Rubenstein Hall – Office #168
919-843-2792, 919-613-9222

Professional Background

Susan Carroll, Managing Director of the Duke-UNC Rotary Center, joined the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center as Coordinator in May 2005. She has more than 20 years of experience in the field of international humanitarian assistance, working for the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. For UNHCR, she worked on large-scale refugee operations in Sudan, Ethiopia, Malawi, Turkey, Hong Kong and Thailand. In 1991, Susan was the first UN Liaison Officer with allied forces in Incirlik, Turkey, working with military personnel on the protection and assistance of Kurdish refugees. She also coordinated two UNHCR training programs, one focusing on gender analysis of refugee populations, and the other on management of emergencies. She had a brief professional detour when she worked in residential real estate in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and in 2002 was part of the team that sold Julia Child’s house. Susan received her bachelor’s degree in geology from Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut and has done graduate studies at the Institut Universitaire des Hautes Etudes Internationales in Geneva.

Susan is responsible for the Rotary Cornerstone seminar for first-year Rotary Peace Fellows which focuses on leadership and professional development. She is a member of Duke’s Dispute Resolution Committee, is the Staff/Faculty Advisor to Duke University’s student chapter of the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, and is on the advisory board of UNC’s Conflict Management Initiative. For the Duke Center for International Development, she has contributed to the training of Ft. Liberty Army personnel on the topic of refugee humanitarian assistance.