Fellows, please send us phrases, sayings or slang that you may have found confusing during your fellowship and we’ll add them here!
24/7: All the time; always available; without a break
AKA: Also known as
All-nighter: Studying/working all night without sleep
ASAP: As soon as possible
Back on your feet: Recover or get well
Baloney: Nonsense
Bandwidth: Ability (or lack of ability) to complete work given the available resources (people, time, money, etc.)
BTW: By the way
COB: Close of Business
DOA: “Dead on Arrival”; hopeless
Double-take: a delayed reaction to something unexpected, immediately after one’s first reaction
Do a 180: Turn around and go in the opposite direction (either literally or figuratively)
Foot in the door: Initial opportunity; first step
FYI: For your information
Green light: Authorization; approval
Hang out: Spend time with
Hit the road: Depart
In black and white: Something written or printed; or something very explicit
In the red: In debt; without money
Jane/John Doe: Generic name for a woman or man — when unknown or anonymous for example
Landslide (election): Any overwhelming victory
Lemon: Piece of junk; failure
Luck out: Have good luck
MIA: Missing in Action
No-brainer: Easy; simple; obvious
Nuts (as an adjective): Silly; wild
Op-Eds: Open editorials (usually found in newspapers)
Out of the blue: Unexpected; surprising
Peanuts: Small amount; pittance; insufficiency
Piece of cake: Very easy
Point-blank: Direct; frank; at close range
Pull one’s leg: Joke; tease
Put your foot in your mouth: To say the wrong thing (and wish you had not)
Red tape: Bureaucratic rules; official procedures
Set aside some money: Reserve or save some money
Snail mail: Mail sent through the post office with a stamp
Tag along: Join; go with
TBD/TBC: To be determined/To be confirmed
Thumbs up: Authorize; consent
Touch base: Briefly make or renew contact with someone
Trumpism: The philosophy and politics espoused by Donald Trump