18th Annual Spring Conference
Please join us for our 18th Annual Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Conference, to be held virtually on Saturday, 10 April. The theme of this year’s event is “Peace and Resilience: Building Together a Post-Covid-19 World”. Our graduating Rotary Peace Fellows from Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill will discuss their research on peacebuilding and development.
Pre-recorded presentations will be released in batches of three on April 6th, 7th, and 8th. Please watch these in advance of the conference if you can. Closed captions are available by pressing CC in the bottom right corner of each video. During the conference, roundtables will provide deeper discussion of the Fellows’ work and experience.
If you’d like to submit a question to a Fellow about their presentation in advance of the conference, please email it to NCROTARYCENTER@GMAIL.COM. Please put the name of the Fellow in the subject line. There will also be opportunities to submit questions during the webinar. We look forward to having you join us!
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Morning session: 9:00 to 11:30 am EDT
9:20-10:20 Roundtable #1 “Humanitarian action in a post COVID world: Collaborating for more effective humanitarian responses”
Catherine Harris Chimwemwe Kumwenda Bronwyn Manley
Moderator: Suzanne Maman
10:20-10:30 Break
10:30-11:30 Roundtable #2 “Development Strategies and the Building of Peace”
Kalkidan Assefa Kebede Marco A. Cuevas Meza Giovanny Rincon
Moderator: Phyllis Pomerantz
Afternoon session: 1:30 to 3:00 pm EDT
1:30-1:40 Welcome remarks
1:40-2:40 Roundtable #3 “Gender and leadership: equity in peace-building”
Peter Adeyeye Amanda Luz Caitilin McMillan
Moderator: Catherine Admay
2:40-2:55 Closing remarks by Faculty Co-Directors
Please note that closed captions are available by pressing CC in the right bottom corner of each video.
Kalkidan: “Energy Access in Ethiopia: Implications for Peace and Development” Marco: “Civil Service Reform In Mexico: Merit-Based Recruitment and Clear Rules” Giovanny: “Post-Conflict in Colombia”AVAILABLE APRIL 8TH
Peter: “Creating platforms for raising women leaders: Case study from Nigeria” Amanda: “Together and individually: gender-responsive support for women leaders” Caitilin: “Women, Peace and Security: A call for meaningful participation and inclusion in formal peace processes”Nicholas P. and Ernestine T. Luise
Karen Wentz and Ron Appuhn
Frank and Shirley Ford